How do I talk to people about feelings?

so I’ve had chronic depression for a few years now, but lately it just seems to be going down. I see a therapist (although it really isnt doing anything), but I really want to be able to have people close to me understand what im going through or how im feeling, but I’ve gone so many years with this happy mask on that its too hard. How do I just let it out?

Answer #1

Start to confide in someone that you really trust, maybe your best friend, mother etc. Anyone that you feel comfortable with. Just sit down and tell them that you are struggling with depression and you would like their support and just let them know about it. You don’t even have to go into detail.

You don’t have to tell everyone at the same time. Also how about considering getting a new therapist? Sometimes a change of scenery can do wonders for you progress for depression.

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