Another divorce kid

my parents got divorced big woop, but now its been a full year and things are better I see both my parents equally on a weekly based schedule that I made but I just feel like I cant trust anyone… I had a girlfriend for a while but just said im done caz I just wasn’t at ease with myself. it feels like its my fault for the divorce even though I know its not. but know my mom goes out and dates guys with a lot of money that she calls “nice guys who respect her” …(righht) and my dad is just trying to make up all of the years that he didint see me because of his job… I guess what im trying to say is how can I come to peace with my own mind about whats going on and almost move on and block out every thing they are doing and what everyone is telling me… thx

Answer #1

I felt the same thing when my parents were divorced, for a little bit. But I wasn’t depressed. It was like whatever to me because I know s*it happens and it has nothing to do with me. I mean whats there to worry abotu. You can still see your mom and dad but without th3m fighting all the time . Thats the way I look at it! Seriously dont WOORY ABOUT IT!!! Its not worth it. My parents have been divorced for 6 years now. Just remenber IT HAS NOTHIN TO DO WITH YOU!!!- and you should be fine if you remember that. You cnat change what happened but you have to make the best of it!! Good luck:)

Answer #2

Divorce actually IS a “big woop”. It is traumatic to break up a family. What you are feeling is completely normal. Even if logic tells you things should be one way, we often feel something completely different. It makes these hard to deal with emotions even more complicated. It would be in your best interests to start seeing a therapist to help you make sense of things.

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