What to get my Mum for Mothers Day?

help me! I dont know what to get for my mum on mothers day!

Answer #1

Mother’s day this year is Sunday May 11th.

I would suggest getting a mother’s day ring. You can get the birth stones of you and your siblings(if you have any) or you can get her a mother/daughter ring which is your birth stone and her birth stone in a setting.

I got my mom one last year and she never takes it off. It means a lot to her.

Check out jewelry stores near you or go to WalMart, they special order them and you can put them on layaway.

xox Sika

Answer #2

If yuur mum (like mine) likes looking nice then get her facepacks, makeup, loads of weird stuff then buy a cheap bag and put it all together

Answer #3

oops I ment may!! lol

Answer #4


Answer #5

youmight buy her a beautifully picked out jewelery box in pretty wrapping paper. and you can also clean the house and be a good child for her that day. that’s what my mom likes. (also try to get good grades)

Answer #6

This is going to sound bad … but whens mothers day ?!?!?!?

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