Emo doesn't always mean cutting!

This annoys me so much. People go around saying “Oh I cut I’m so emo” this isn’t emo. Its not. Emo is music.. Scene people follow the emo music.

I honestly hate labels I just need to get this out.

WHAT is emo? Emo is a lot of things. There is no true definition of emo, and emo can mean a lot of things to a lot of differn’t people. To us, Emo is not a late 80’s genre of music that is coming back. Today’s “emo” is not what it was yesterday. The term may have been stolen from the 80’s, but the term was the only thing that was stolen. Today emo is definitely an awesome genre of music, but it is much more than just a sub-genre of punk or indie music. It’s a culture. It’s a fashion statement. It’s a way of life.

People often use the term to describe anyone who looks sad or depressed or has an emotional personality. You can’t label someone just because of the way they look, and just because someone may fit the label, it’s doesn’t mean they should be labeled. It’s okay to label yourself though. The emo bucket was built for people to share pictures, meet other scene kids, and to be the best community to discuss things like the true meaning of the term :-)

^ that come from a site I am on. The question and answer that is. Not my work.

So there. Thats what ‘emo’ is.

Answer #1

Yeaaah. Lol I did say

“I honestly hate labels”


Answer #2

NOOO!im only 12 years old!but ill tell you …it means saddness,lonellyness,life sucks,an uh well the color black.I guess.yall may make fun of me but I was emo.I was also gothic 4 like 2 years.& I stopped cause people treated my diff. cause of my black nails witch are still black,and lookn at me weird.emos rock…it dont mean you kut urself.no no it doesnt mean you always kutt urself !!!


Answer #3

This is not a question…

Answer #4

wow I’ve been writing that to almost every “am I emo?” question at least someone realizes it

Answer #5

yes it does

Answer #6

I know I usally don’t even listen!

Answer #7

No. It doesn’t mean cutting. -_-

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