Wedding Ring

First things first. My wife’s old wedding ring got stolen by the maintenance lady.

I’m in the process of buying her a new one and plan to give it to her once I get back from Iraq

Does anyone know a good store or a sweet way to give it to her?

Answer #1

hahaha… an idea just striked me… so you’re in the navy, air force, army…wutever it was… make sure your wife is there to pick you up when you get back from Iraq … get one of your friends from the air force to write a message up in the sky… something like “4ever babe” or “I luv u”… while she’s looking into the sky, have 12 of your army friends bring a single rose each to her…after she recives the dozen roses, tap her from behind then kiss her as she turns around… then get down on one knee and present the ring to her (make sure it has something special engraved in it)!! she’ll melt in your arms, want to go and take you home…and make you happy!! okay…sorry if I made it sound to movie or fairytale like… but every lady has a fairltale and wants their man to make it come true =)

Answer #2

Plan to get your vows renewed. don’t tell her. invite close friends and family. Take her out to a nice dinner before so she will be dressed up. Give her the ring at the ceremony.

Answer #3

I searched it on google and one of the titles of a link was “10 Ways to REALLY Piss Off Your Woman” Haha, thats really going to help.

Anyways… here’s what I found… “Tantalize them by packing a note in their lunch saying you have something special for them when they get home. When they arrive, wear something provocative and hide the gift in your clothing. Ask them to find it.”

Answer #4

me personally would love if it was in a fortune cookie :) haha I just saw that off a commercial and I think that would be soo cute! :)

Answer #5

Sexy wins my vote anyday. Haha, it depends on the girl though.

Answer #6

LoL Thanx stef that sounds more sexy than sweet but could work just fine. She says I need to be more sensitive though :,(

Answer #7

I think kay jewelers,I luv they stuff

Answer #8

write her a letter with the ring inside and post it 2 u…also with the ring in the letter wrap it up with soft things so it doesnt get damaged

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