How to train my dog?

I am getting ill and tired of trying to housebreak my dog she is going on 6 months and she chews the ends off of cords even if they are plugged in she rips them out of the outlet and I am afraid she is going to get electricuted and tears up the house when I am gone,I spend a lot of time putting things up before I leave the house but she manages to find something to tear up even trying to get stuff off of tables and counters!!!How do I get rid of nasty pet odors and clean up the urine stains ??? I have used every way and thing I can think of,spending lots of $$$ a week on things.I also have airborne allergies, I am a mess but I love my animals. I have two dogs and two cats and I work fulltime and hard to get consistancy from my family. KAT

Answer #1

firstly if you need to leave your dog alone at that age only leave in one room both dogs its not fair on the other one if its not doing anything but thats life once your puppy learns house manners you can give it more house room when your out to stop chewing its not hard you can buy a spray from your local pet shop that can stop them chewing but if you get a dog like my last one this just adds more fun to chew try something like curry powder not chille this can be bad for the dog try giveing your puppy more to chew on like bones or chew sticks make sure you buy good size bones to keep them going all day there could be a reasone for it chewing so ask your vet to look it over I had a dog that had teeth growing in over his back teeth so they were pushing his other teeth out and he was trying to chew through the pain look at what its chewing if it something silly like socks or shoes put them away but if its bigger just leave it witha bitter tast in its mouth as for wires well turn them off if I can be but the best thing is leave your dogs in one room with nothing in it but there own stuff and the urin its nature everyone needs to pee but it more marking your house with your smell try not to lose all the smell or the dog will just keep peeing

Answer #2

Like blueice says…this is precisely what crating is for…housebreaking, and separation anxiety…You didn’t say how big your dog is, but at 6 months, only the rarest pup can be trusted alone with run of a whole house…so…in reality, she’s not doing anything awful, she’s just being a normal puppy…Invest in a crate…wire or plastic…they make “sized” beds that fit exatly to the size of the crate. You want the size where she can stand up and turn around, but not so big, she can use one end to go potty. It’d be nice, also, if at lunch or during a break you can go home and let her outside to pee.

As for the chewing and destructiveness, once crated, she won’t be doing it during the day any longer, but you’ll have to watch her when you’re home. I keep a “toy box” in the living room, so when a pup finds something “interesting” that they shouldn’t have, I reach into the box, and pull out something they CAN have…and distract them…sometimes using the word “trade”…if they have something I want back (like a shoe)…distraction at this age is pretty easy. It won’t take long for her to figure out that everything in the box…bones, balls, squeakie toys, etc are HERS…everything else IS NOT…

Good luck…


Answer #3

Housebreaking a dog can definitely become a chore. Have you ever tried to use a crate? They sell them a Wal-mart for $20-40. I did this with my two cockerspaniels and it made a difference. I just put a warm blanket in the bottom of the crate and put him in it. He wouldn’t pee in there cause it was like his little house. I used to go home at lunch to let him out to pee and also to get some food and water. You wouldn’t have to do that. Just feed him/her and let him/her pee before and after you go to work.

About the dog being distructive…try to catch it doing the bad behavior and correct it just like you would a child. Pop it a little just enough to distract it and tell it no. Stay with it and continue the discipline until it looses interest in that object. This will take some time, but it will definitely be worth it in the end.

Also, there is this show called “The Dog Whisper” with Ceaser Mulon. It is very helpful with training your dog.

Answer #4

PS…Cesar Milan is MY HERO!! If you get Nat’l Geographic channel, it’s a half hour well worth used for watching him in action.


Answer #5

when my dog had problems chewing on things like the corners of doors and plus and stuff like that, I would put chili powder or black bepper on it, that would make him stop and not want to go near it because it burned his nose so he learned it was bad to do.

Answer #6

I forgot to to answer your pet odor problem well ok you can buy a spray thats is called pet fresh it helps keep fabric and carpets smelling fresh all day it smells really good too and theres also a spray for cleaning up the urine from your carpet that is called pet oxygen and also leaves your carpet clean and smelling good and will stop your pooch from going in that stop again so you might want to try that I use it all the time well not the pet oxygen there potty train but its really good stuff try it!! :)

Answer #7

well I have a six month pup too and well training isnt that bad and hard if you want her to stop chewing on your furniture what you need to do is get her a lot of chewing toys and some bone so she can chew on instead of your whole house also for potty training what you can do is get puppy pads for indoor and put them in a place were you want her to go when you see her circleling and smelling the floor get her and take her to the stop you chose for her to potty and when she goes there tell her good potty never give her treats when potty training thou.

hoped I helped!!:)

Answer #8

dont get rid of her whatever you do. you obviously care for her and if you get rid of her, someone else might not treat her so good. im not sure what to suggest but hopefully when she gets a bit older she wont chew everything up. shes just a puppy so thats what they do lol.. can you not get her a bone or something? to get rid of the horrible smells make sure you wash the pet beds and things they lay on.

Answer #9

Hope you dog isn’t a St. Bernard pup…you’ll have to get Potty SHEETS…:)


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